News / 5 Questions to Always Ask a Maid Service Before You Hire Them to Clean Your House

By Laura's Maids
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

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Hiring a maid service can bring a sense of relief and comfort to any homeowner. However, before you open your doors to a cleaning service, it’s crucial to ask the right questions. This not only ensures that your home is in good hands but also that the services meet your specific needs.

Here are five essential questions to ask a maid service before making your decision.

What Cleaning Products Do You Use?

The type of cleaning products used in your home can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. This question is especially important if you have allergies, children, or pets in your home. Some cleaning agents contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. Therefore, understanding what products will be used in your space is crucial.

Do You Use Pet-Friendly Cleaning Products?

For pet owners, this question is non-negotiable. Our furry friends are often more sensitive to chemicals than we are. Inquiring about pet-friendly products ensures that the cleaning process won't harm your beloved animals. A responsible maid service will have options that are safe for pets, keeping their well-being in mind while cleaning your home.

Are Your Cleaning Products Green?

Environmental impact is a significant concern for many homeowners. Asking whether a maid service uses green or eco-friendly products can set your mind at ease regarding your environmental footprint. These products are not only better for the planet but also tend to be safer for people and pets. They can reduce the presence of toxins in your home and contribute to a healthier living environment.

What Services Are Included in a Standard Cleaning?

Understanding what is included in a standard cleaning package is essential. This varies greatly from one service to another. Some might include deep-cleaning tasks like scrubbing ovens or cleaning windows, while others may focus on more general chores. Clarify this to ensure the service meets your expectations and to avoid additional charges for tasks you assumed were included.

How Do You Screen and Train Your Staff?

The safety and security of your home are paramount. It’s important to inquire about the hiring process for the cleaning staff. Ask about background checks, training procedures, and whether the company has insurance to cover any damages. A reputable cleaning service will have thorough screening processes and training programs to ensure their staff is trustworthy and skilled.

Choose Laura’s Maids for the Win

Choosing the right maid service is about finding a balance between quality, safety, and your specific needs. By asking these questions, you can gain a better understanding of what to expect from the service. It also shows the company that you are a conscientious homeowner who values safety, health, and environmental responsibility.

Remember, the goal is to find a service that not only leaves your house sparkling clean but also aligns with your values and requirements. If you’re looking for a maid service that meets these standards, consider Laura's Maids.

Our commitment to quality, pet-friendly practices, and green cleaning solutions ensures a clean home without compromising on the things that matter most to you.

If you live in the Houston or Tyler areas and you need move-in cleaning, move-out cleaning or weekly cleaning, give us a call. We are always here to help.